Video Still
Video Still
Practices of Approximation, Temporary Gallery, Cologne, Germany.
Shifting Moments, Choi&Lager Gallery, Cologne, Germany_Courtesy of CHOI&LAGER Gallery Cologne / Seoul Photo: Mareike Tocha
Practices of Approximation, Temporary Gallery, Cologne, Germany.
GOODBYE Cruel World, Weltkunstzimmer, Düsseldorf, Germany.
We , Animal_Multispieces Narration, Meinblau Projektraum, Berlin, Germany.
Internal Other | 2019
3D animation, Full HD, 16:9, Color, stereo, approx.10 min.
Internal other focuses on the endangered fauna in the “Transboundary Protected Area” of the DMZ (the Korean Demilitarized Zone between South Korea and North Korea). For 66 years and along 155 miles, this zone has been an “accidental wildlife paradise”[1] for wild animals.[2] Among them the endangered red-crowned crane, which plays an important role in the Korean culture and tradition: it is a symbol of longevity, fidelity, morality, and auspicious sign, a spiritual vehicle for the mountain gods, a medium drifting between heaven and earth.
In Internal other I have composed a setup with animals as tribal residential populations; the red-crowned crane takes on the role of the shamanic narrator. On her “magical flight” through metaphorical and virtual landscapes, she takes us to several places in the DMZ, ranging from real to imaginary ones, i.e. to the “inner mountain snowfields” in our mind.[3]
The sound design is partly produced with low-frequency sound. It is required to listen with good quality headphones or audio systems.
Narration Script: Link
Narration Script in Korean: Link
[1] Jennifer Billock, How Korea’s Demilitarized Zone Became an Accidental Wildlife Paradise, [online], [accessed February 12, 2018].
[2] Catherine Pool, Transboundary Protected Areas as a Solution to Border Issues, The University of Nebraska-Lincoln AnthroGroup, 2006, 42p.
[3] Robert R. Desjarlais, Healing through images: The magical flight and healing geography of Nepali shamans, American Anthropological Association, 1989, 289p.
*The found footage uses shamanism in Korea, which was created in 1982 in the National Film Studio and opened as a KOGL type 1. The work can be downloaded for free from National Archives of Korea,
Preview, 3D animation,720p, 16:9, Color, stereo, approx.3min.
Demilitarised sense | 2019
43x12x6cm, PLA, copper wire, Berlin.
Between North Korea and South Korea, there is DMZ(Demilitarized Zone). The sculpture shows the DMZ borderline which transforms from the digital data of google earth to 3D data on how it looks.
The project is supported by Transmedialer Raum Köln, the academy of media art in Cologne, We , Animals, Choi&Lager Gallery.