Performance, about 20min, 10.10. & 17.10.21 19h, Bunker 101, 2021
Performance, 7min, Brühl Schlossgarten, 2021
The movement of Acculturative Jars | 2021
Performance with objects, ca. 20min, 2021, Porcelain, 40 x 70 x 25 cm.Germany
acculturative Jars are a set of objects made of porcelain. The dancer moves very slowly, trying to hold the fragile porcelain object to the body. The movement is embodied in how our body endures tensions and emotions in terms of acculturation stress and how it requires a constant flow of physical energy and an individual effort.
Film Credit: Production, Director and Porcelain Production by Hanna Noh/ Performer Jovana Petrovska/ Performance Foto dokumentation Jiha Jeon / Video Dokumentation Hanna Noh, Jiha Jeon
Performance Preview, HD, 16:9, Color, stereo, 2min 38sec